The adventures and misadventures of Greg - Wendy - Dustin - Miss Annie - & - Minnie Pearl

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Changing Names

This blog has a new name.
It shall now be called A Clark Carol.

Dad, who is always making up cute and clever little puns, is responsible for the original name...Blog Humbug.  
Turns out, this is not an original idea.  
For starters, there is this, and there is this, and there is this
True, most of the Blog Humbugs are dead, but still.
I want our blog to be original.
Like us.

So in keeping with the whole Blog Humbug theme, I have officially changed the name to A Clark Carol.

May "God bless us, every one!"


  1. Thanks.
    I am surprised that I enjoy blogging as much as I do. I find that I am thinking about it often.
    It is a bit intimidating though. I don't quite now where to go with it from here. I would like to think I have more to share than a story about a boat trip and one about dead chickens. But gosh, I got nothing :-) Oh well I will figure it out.
